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HomeARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE5 Emerging Technologies To Accelerate Digital Transformation

5 Emerging Technologies To Accelerate Digital Transformation

In our daily life, does it not happen to you that when you are writing a WhatsApp or an email and start typing a word, it suddenly ends? Behind this self-writing is artificial intelligence, which has entered our lives, optimizing and improving many daily tasks. Years ago, one already imagined what could happen with emerging technologies like this one. Still, it needed to be clarified how they would be able to generate value for companies and to what extent they would impact their digital transformation.

In recent years, different technologies have evolved, following different paths and objectives. Once mature, they can converge, making improving the customer experience and business results easier.

Technological ecosystem

Among the many technological advances we are experiencing, Gartner includes possible technologies that have yet to generate business models, such as Quantum Computing. At the same time, it shows us emerging technologies in full swing. On the one hand, we have interfaces to capture information, such as IOT or artificial vision. On the other, systems that facilitate or replace business processes, such as the cloud or the blockchain. And also technologies revolutionizing productivity, such as artificial intelligence or Edge Computing.

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What are the emerging technologies that are beginning to generate value for companies?

From the point of view of implementation and ability to generate business, we highlight five major technologies:

  • Cloud Computing. It is possible to dislocate the processing centers of the companies, taking them to “the cloud. This gives them scalability, availability, and much greater security.
  • Big Data. We can increasingly manage a great volume of information at a higher speed, no matter how wide and dispersed its viability, making it easier for any business challenge to add value from the data.
  • Collaborative artificial intelligence, in addition to facilitating automation and accelerating business learning patterns, allows information to be shared, for example, among competitors, adding value to all of them.
  • Blockchain saves us from the need for centralized and trusted entities since it guarantees a decentralized and distributed immutability of the information it stores and guards.
  • IoT. Equipment is being developed to capture information that combines connectivity and sensitivity, as analog sensors have done so far, with intelligence, giving them the ability to make decisions based on their environment.

Emerging technology brought to the business

Combining all these technologies opens up many possibilities to generate new business opportunities. An example is how in the oil industry or, in the face of security alerts, as in the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, drones with sensors are being incorporated that allow them to stay away from heat sources that could harm them. This may also be when multiple sensors are located in remote or difficult-to-access areas. Through artificial intelligence, alarms can be launched to provide direct assistance when a threat can be anticipated. Incidence.

Another use case is Edge computing, where the sensors have built-in processors that allow the execution of artificial intelligence algorithms. The advantage is that they can act connected to the cloud or execute their algorithms in a decentralized way. This facilitates its operability, for example, on board an aeroplane or connecting multiple devices, for example, a company’s fleet or in all the devices of the same manufacturer.

Blockchain is generating value in supply chains by combining IOT with artificial intelligence. These systems make it possible to independently identify the origin, transit, and storage conditions that a specific product has experienced from the generation of its raw materials until it is sold. From this level of detail, processes, sales, or customer satisfaction can be optimized.

One area that is making its way is collaborative artificial intelligence. At this point, different companies, collaborators, or competitors share information to improve their results. The key is that they do not share the original information but results derived from artificial intelligence algorithms that disappear any risk (RGPD or sensitive information for the competition). Again, a blockchain plays a key role by certifying the information exchanged. This is how they have worked in the pharmaceutical industry or football leagues when analyzing players’ results from different teams.

Emerging technologies such as Big Data, IoT, artificial intelligence, Cloud Computing, or Blockchain have generated advances for some time and have been the subject of much news and speculation. But it is now that they are proving to be tools for companies to improve their results, both by reducing costs or gaining efficiencies and by improving their business results. The combination of detailed knowledge of each business case, the potential in each of these technologies, and the additional value of their interaction will mark the degree of success in our digital transformation.

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