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5 Tricks To Improve Your Blog


Maintaining a blog is a challenging task that requires effort, perseverance, and many ideas. Depending on how often you write, you will need more or less. We are proud and satisfied that our articles are read with that effort.

But what if you write and your articles are not read? Well, several things can happen. In this post, I will tell you five tricks so that the content of your blog is more consumed. We started!

How to improve the content of your blog

First, I will explain how you can improve the content of your blog so that it is more comfortable and satisfying for your visitors to read.

Express yourself naturally

When writing your articles, express yourself naturally. Use a tone appropriate to your target customer, but don’t go overboard. Of course, you have to be clear about your sector and not cross the fine line that separates naturalness from informality. You will know your sector well, so you will learn to define that line.

But within that, use terms with which you usually express yourself. On many occasions, some people use a very different language than what they typically use. Even when they speak in person with prospective clients, they don’t know anything about them; they don’t express themselves as formally as they write an article.

Trick 1: Think that there will be an average person reading what you have written on the other side of the screen

Use short paragraphs

People read what interests them. It is often said that people do not read, but if the content is exciting and will solve a problem or a pain for the person who is reading it, they will finish it. Or at least it will scan it carefully for points of interest.

That said, you can use the format to make that reading easier. Use not too long sentences and paragraphs of 3 or 4 lines (desktop). It is more comfortable to read a text on the screen and a 40-line section. Be careful, if necessary for whatever reason, you can make a long paragraph, but as a general rule, 3 or 4 lines on the desktop will also be comfortable on tablets and mobile phones.

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Trick 2: Make it easier to read with the format of your text

Use headings, bold and italics

As I said in the previous point, it is common to scan an article for what interests us the most. This diagonal reading will not only be facilitated by short sentences and paragraphs, but it also helps to place headings, bold and italics throughout the text.

Analyze your content and extract the key points to use as headlines. They would be the points you would use if you had to outline. Already within the text, it highlights critical issues with bold and italics to be easily detected during a quick visual pass.

Trick 3: Make it easier to read diagonally with headings, bold and italics

How to attract more visits to your blog

Improving the content is excellent, but it is worth nothing if nobody reads it later. The following two tricks will enhance your blog by attracting more visitors.

Choose the topic of your article well

Writing for the sake of writing does not make sense. Logically, you will want to write on your blog to attract visits to it and, in this way, publicize your brand, improve your authority and attract customers. But to achieve all that, you have to write about topics that interest your target audience and have searched.

If your industry is tiny, there may not be too many content keyword searches, but typically, there are many topics to write about before that happens. Analyze your market with keyword tools, and you will get an idea of ​​the queries that your target audience usually makes. The next step is to write articles answering those queries.

Trick 4: Answer queries from your target audience that have searched on Google

A note. This trick is a general rule, but on some occasions, you may be interested in creating content that, even if it does not have many searches, will serve as a resource to send to your clients as help with anything they have to do. An example would be this post.

Share your content

Don’t just write and wait for visitors to come through organic traffic; use other channels to drive people to your blog.

Create a community on social networks and share your content every time you post. This is quite logical, and you may already do it, but don’t mistake doing an automatic post. Do not drop the link, and now, create a text with a hook that invites you to click and visit your website to read the full post.

If you have a list of subscribers, you can email the new post. As before, cut the subject and the text and build anticipation to get clicks and visits. RSS automation tends to have shallow openings, and their effect will be counterproductive for your blog and your list metrics.

Also Read: How To Create And Promote A Business Blog Step By Step

Trick 5: Share your content carefully to reach a wider audience

I hope you found this article interesting and that it helps you if you already have a blog. If you don’t have it yet, I recommend starting one. There are good reasons why you should blog.


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